There is nothing more powerful than a woman that knows her worth.
Imagine if every woman in the world stepped into their power rather than shied away from it.
What a force we would be.
While the events of 2020 were undesirable to say the least, they did act as a reminder of what I should be prioritising in my life.
This time last year I was in a terrible place mentally. I had no self confidence, and I sought validation from everyone around me.
It was exhausting to be inside my mind, and I can imagine it was exhausting to be around me sometimes too.
I honestly don’t know where I would be right now if our lives hadn’t been turned upside down last year.
I am so proud of the work I put in during lockdown to reclaim my power as a woman, and ultimately as a person.
We all waste so much fucking energy caring about what others think.
Why give other people so much power over your wellbeing? What gives another person the right to dictate your happiness?
My relationship with my body is still evolving, and I imagine it will be challenged in all future stages of my life.
One of the most dangerous thought patterns I used to have (and I know a lot of others share) is that I would reserve my worth for when my body looked a certain way.
“Once I lose some weight I’ll feel better about myself”
“If I get a breast reduction I’ll finally love my body”
“I only like my face when it is clear from acne”
“My body is only desirable when I’m fake tanned and hairless”
I still experience all of those thoughts and more.
However now, the simple act of being kind to myself helps eradicate a lot of those thoughts.
This body I used to be so cruel to, is the same body that is getting me through the most unprecedented time of our generation.
This is the same body that has carried me through the hardships my family went through last year.
This is the same body I use to hug my family, boogie with my friends and empower women at work every day.
I can share my body in vulnerable ways now and genuinely not care about what others are thinking or saying about me.
I want to reserve my precious energy on things that actually matter to me.
At the end of the day the most attractive thing in a person is their confidence within themself.
Attractiveness is a state of mind. Carry yourself like you are worthy of the things you want and see how far it gets you.
You will always attract similar energies in life. So start putting out what you want to get in, and you will start feeling a shift in your life immediately.
Last year rudely reminded us that there is so much in life we can’t control.
One of the few things you can guarantee control over is how we treat ourselves, and how much power we let other people have over our lives.
Stop giving other people the power that is rightfully yours.