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Round Two *ding ding*

Writer's picture: elliefeatherstonelliefeatherston

As someone who admittedly thrived in the first round of isolation, I will happily stand up and say I am f**king hating this second round.

I know I am not alone in this sentiment. Fatigue and frustration has set in for all of us.

I’m not here to talk politics, but it is naive to think that there haven't been some huge systematic failures at play that have caused the massive disparity between us and the other states.

The sensationalisation in the media isn’t doing anyone any favours either. Some headlines don’t just anger me, they infuriate me. The day after stage four restrictions were announced, the Herald Sun were running stories about ‘stage five restriction whispers’. These types of totally fictional stories dangerously invoke fear in an already fragile community.

I am in an advantageous position having studied media at university, I have an understanding that unfortunately integrity isn’t always at the forefront of all journalists’ minds.

Even with this knowledge, I still fall victim to their fear mongering headlines. With so much free time, it is hard not to get caught in a scrolling spree online. However, I am reminding myself every day how important boundaries are in the pursuit to protect my mental health. Whether they are just emotional or physically putting my phone down more often, I am really having to put a lot more effort in this time around not to absorb the collective negativity floating around our city and state at the moment.

If you’ve read this far, I’m sorry my words are a bit more pessimistic than usual. But the aim of this blog for me is to be raw and real, and those feelings are unfortunately my truth at the moment.

In saying that, today I have been reflecting on how quickly our perspectives change depending on our circumstances.

With the introduction of stage four’s restrictions, I have begun to miss the few freedoms stage three awarded us. With that, I have been longing for the simple pleasures of normality again.

Instead of lusting for the grandeur that life can provide, I am thinking about the simple things that are guaranteed to still be there when the madness is over.

The first family BBQ at my Grandpa’s house. The first happy hour at Pelican’s Landing. The first sun bake at Williamstown Beach. The first drunk uber ride to the city. The first overpriced brunch with my best friends. The first cuddle with my Godson.

I can’t wait for my Dad to be able to see my Grandpa outside of a nursing home window. For my Mum to be able to hug her parents again. I can’t wait to see the faces of strangers not covered by a face mask.

These are the things that need to be motivating us to get through the next five weeks of lockdown. These are the things we can guarantee will be there.

So instead of getting caught up on when international travel will resume, or when we can see our favourite artists in concert again, start reminding yourself of those simple first times and those first touches with the ones you love.

But, until then, the memories of the past and the hope for the future is fuelling me to keep positive, and I hope it can do the same for you too.


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